
Precarious Work: The Challenge for Labour Law in Europe edited by Jeff Kenner, Izabela Florczak and Marta Otto:

Please find attached a flyer for our new Research Handbook Labour, Business and Human Rights Law edited by Janice Bellace and Beryl ter Haar, published with Edward Elgar:

I’m pleased to announce a new edited collection, from Hart Publishing, on labour law, development and informal work, which examines the persistence of informal work in the global South and the growth of informalisation in the global North.

The Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal is publishing a collection of articles on automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and labour protection.

New book – Adelle Blackett, Everyday Transgressions: Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labour Law, ILR Press (2019). . The book is also available electronically, via services like Kindle and Kobo.

Dear Colleagues,

The LLRN 4 conference is now only a few weeks away. Below is some information and reminders for the conference.

Sergio Gamonal C. & César F. Rosado Marzán, Principled Labor Law: U.S. Labor Law through A Latin American Method (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation

Edited by Filip Dorssemont, Klaus Lörcher, Stefan Clauwaert and Mélanie Schmitt.

Perulli A., Bellomo S. (eds), New Industrial Relations in the Era of Globalization, Cedam, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Call for Expressions of Interest in hosting the 2021 LLRN Conference in Europe
