
Our PhD Programme is an interdisciplinary and international one and welcomes students with different educational backgrounds.

by Silvana Sciarra (Cambridge University Press, 2018)

The scholarship is linked to an ERC Starting Grant project SHARE “Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Representing self-Employment”, We are inviting applications for the following PhD scholarship:

Applications are invited to undertake a full time three year PhD studentship starting in October 2018. Work with the IER, University of Liverpool and University of Manchester on a new research project that explores the relationship between corporate law and labour law.

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has instituted an award to honour the outstanding and dynamic scientific work, of great value to the European trade union movement, of the late labour law Professor Brian Bercusson: the ETUC Brian Bercusson Award.

With the globalization of the economy, labour law too has become a global subject. Issues as corporate social responsibility and decent work are becoming standards all companies and States have to comply with.

Adalberto Perulli and Tiziano Treu (Eds) (Wolters Kluwer, 2018)

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: A LABOR PERSPECTIVE European Research Council (ERC) Research Project

Neil Rees, Simon Rice, Dominique Allen, Australian Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Law (2018, The Federation Press).

The Dept of Business Law & Taxation at Monash University is offering $5000 top-up scholarships to successful PhD and MPhil applicants working on selected projects incl socio-legal studies of labour in Asia Pacific & workers in gig economy.

Various deadlines.
