
Two are in Geneva. At P2 these are more or less entry level positions for ongoing staff. One is in San José and the other is in Suva. Each of these is a P4 position.

The Labour Constitution: the Enduring Idea of Labour Law by Ruth Duke (Oxford University Press 2014) has been published in paperback, and may be purchased from the OUP website with a 30% discount using the promotional code ALAUTHC4.

ISSUE 33(4) — DEC 2017
'The Irresistible Rise of Occupational Welfare in Italy: From Social Innovation to Regulatory Challenges', Iacopo Senatori, Issue 4, pp. 441–462
'From the Right to Work to Freedom from Work', Nicolas Bueno, Issue 4, pp. 463–487

Table of Content

edited by Gordon Anderson with Alan Geare, Erling Rasmussen and Margaret Wilson

The Department of Business Law and Taxation, Monash Business School is currently recruiting across all level. Details can be found at the following link:

The Sydney Law School at the University of Sydney is currently seeking applications from potential PhD or Masters by Research students for the Julian Small Research Scholarship in Labour Law.

Gordon Anderson, Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Douglas Brodie, University of Strathclyde, UK and Joellen Riley, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, Australia

a 35% discount is currently available (discount code VIP35)

The ILR Review ( invites submissions for a conference and subsequent special issue devoted to new theories in employment relations.

Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation invites contributions to a special issue which explores the legal consequences of the digital economy on labour law and industrial relations law.
