
Organized by Ca' Foscari University in cooperation with the ILO

Edited by Adalberto Perulli, Tiziano Treu, (Wolters Kluwer, 2017)

It’s a special issue dedicated to theories of domination and labour law, guest-edited by David Cabrelli and Rebecca Zahn.

Editors: Bernd Waas, Guus Heerma van Voss

Editors: Bernd Waas, Guus Heerma van Voss

Proceedings of the fourteenth International Conference in commemoration of prof Marco Biagi have been recently published.

Please notice that the "Retrospective overview of 2015 comparative labour law literature" generously and skilfully proposed by Marialauria Birgillito, Matteo Borzaga and Manuel Antonio Garcia-Muños Alhambra is fully available online.

English Electronic Edition is now available online

Author: Katayoun Alidadi

Labour Law and Labour Standards Specialist – Cairo – P4.

Legal Officer – Geneva – P2.

Social Dialogue and Labour Administration Specialist – Two positions: Delhi and Yaoundé – both P4.
