
Edited by Prabha Kotiswaran

Special Issue devoted to the papers presented during the 2016 SERI Outreach Conference.

Author: LJB Hayes

The issue, which is edited by Professor Corrine Siino (University of Toulouse Jean Jaures (France)) and Professor Sid Ahmed Soussi (University of Quebec at Montreal (Canada)), features seven papers produced by affiliated researchers of the Grey Zone Project (Projet ZOGRIS), an international, inte

Author: Rebecca Zahn

New book written by Lyn K L Tjon Soei Len

An edited collection of contributions from leading Australian and international labour law scholars, based on papers delivered at a conference to mark the 21st birthday of the Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law.

The book is the first Canadian text to explore all three regimes of work law - common law, regulatory law, and collective bargaining law - in depth and through a methodology that emphasises the interactions between the three regimes.

Volume 33 (2017)

Please see attached the advertisements for two positions at the ILO in Geneva.

One is a reasonably senior post in the Labour Law and Reform Unit.

The other is a less senior post in the Research Department.
