
Dear Colleagues,

The SAS Pensions’ Team is pleased to announce a Call for papers concerning a Workshop on Longevity Heterogeneity and Pension Design that will take place the 28th of January 2020 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).

We are pleased to say that the Polish Employment Collective Law book (K.W. Baran (ed.) J. Czerniak-Swedzioł, D. Dorre-Kolasa, M. Lekston, M. Wujczyk), was just published by C.H. Beck.

Vanisha Sukdeo's second book with Routledge was published in June 2019. The book is entitled "Corporate Law, Codes of Conduct and Workers' Rights" and may be of interest to labour & employment law scholars as well as business scholars and practising lawyers.

The Health and Safety and Working Conditions Unit of the European Trade Union Institute organizes a Seminar on Strategic Litigation on Occupational Health and Safety at 15-16 January 2020 in Brussels.

I am pleased to inform you that the new edition of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal is now on-line at

Issue 1/2019 of the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal (ILaRC) is now online and available.

I am writing to share a call for papers for a conference TraffLab (ERC) is organizing in collaboration with the Center for Responsible Business (CRB) in New Delhi, and with Bimal Arora and Shilpi Banerjee in 18-19 November 2019 in New Delhi.

Call for papers of the 18th International Conference in commemoration of Prof Marco Biagi has been opened.

The conference will take place in Modena (Italy) on 19 and 20 March 2020, and will be entitled “Beyond Employment. Protecting Autonomous Work”.

Let me invite you to participate in V International scientific and practical conference: International Labour Standards and National Labour and Social Security Legislation (to Centenary of ILO)
(1st–2nd November 2019, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

Call for Papers: "The New Challenges for the ILO: Mission, Tripartism, Regulatory Mechanism and Labour Standards"- 15 November 2019, Venice Ca' Foscari University

Paper Abstract: September 20, 2019
Paper Submission: October 30, 2019
