Dates and times:
The Management Committee of the African Labour Law Society is pleased to announce that it is hosting its 6th Conference at the Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa on the 1 & 2 August 2024.
"Around the Fireplace - Conversations about African Labour Law" is the theme for the 2024 African Labour Law Society Conference. The conference will explore a wide range of topics and issues related to labour law on a continent whose labour markets face unique challenges.
As the topic suggests, the conference will provide a platform for posing provocative questions that ignite conversations to share developments and experiences from different jurisdictions. It is envisaged that deviating from the normal style of formal presentations will promote the exchange of information and updates from across the continent and promote more meaningful engagement amongst conference participants.
We will welcome submissions about labour law in African jurisdictions and (if from a comparative perspective) beyond, on topics including the following:
1. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The future of labour law in light of trends including automation, artificial intelligence, platform work, teleworking and the digitisation of employment and dispute resolution procedures, and the impact on firms, the law and the Courts.
2. Worker Rights and Social Justice: Exploring issues related to worker rights, social justice, and efforts to improve labour conditions for vulnerable and marginalized groups within African societies.
3. Labour Unions and Collective Bargaining: The role of labour unions in advocating for workers' rights, collective bargaining agreements, and the challenges faced by labour movements in the African context.
4. Workplace Health and Safety in Africa: In light of its recent inclusion in the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, it is timely to discuss occupational health and safety, including discussions on workplace hazards, safety regulations, and measures to protect workers regardless of their place of work or employment status.
5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Labour law's role in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including discussions on gender equality, disability inclusion, and racial and ethnic diversity.
6. International Labour Law and globalisation in Africa: This will analyse the role of the International Labour Organisation and international labour standards in shaping labour law and labour markets in Africa. We will also look more broadly on the impact of trade agreements, and global organizations on labour law and labour practices within African countries.
7. Labour law and African regional integration: There is an urgent need to expand and deepen intra-African trade and one avenue to do so is through the Africa Continental Free Trade Area. What role does
labour law play in this process and how can it promote or hinder the realisation of this agenda? What role do Africa's sub-regional bodies including East African Community, Economic Community of West African States, Southern African Development Corporation.
Should you be interested in presenting, please forward the following:
• A proposed title of your topic;
• A short outline of about 100 words of what you envisage the content of your presentation will be;
• Indicate which platform you propose to present - Live Presentation, or Live Video Stream
• 150-word bio in narrative form, not CV format please – per speaker. The narrative should ideally be written in the 3rd person.
• Colour Photo – jpeg format – (head and shoulders preferably and high resolution)
Kindly note the following timelines for submission:
15 February 2024: Submission of abstracts
15 March 2024: Notification of acceptance
1 July 2024: Submission of 4- or 5- page document outlining the key arguments to be made in the presentation
15 July 2024: Presentation to be emailed to the organisers
The audience will be comprised of the following delegates:
• Academics
• Advocates
• Attorneys
• Consultants
• HR Managers
• Public Sector representatives
Delegates will be from the African continent, Europe and USA.
Types of presentations:
Plenary session – 40 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions
• Panel discussion – 40 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions
• Address – 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions
• Interactive session/Ideas Exchange/Workshop – 50 minutes
1. When considering which presentations will be selected, consideration will be given to the relevance and interest of the topic to the platform as well as whether this topic has been done before.
2. The Management committee may have to ask speakers to co-present if the topics are similar and reserves the right to move the presentation to a different platform to balance the programme.
3. Confirmed speakers will receive a complimentary registration to the event.
4. The speaker will cover their own travel costs to Johannesburg, local transportation and accommodation costs.
Please send your submission to