List of Member Research Centers

Aarhus Research Group on Regulation of Work – ARROW | Aarhus University | DK Denmark
Association for International and Comparative Studies in the field of Labour Law and Industrial Relations (ADAPT) | IT Italy
Bristol Centre for Law at Work | University of Bristol | GB United Kingdom
Center for Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies at Frankfurt (Oder) | Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | DE Germany
Center for Labor & Welfare Law | Seoul National University (School of Law) | KR South Korea
Center for Labor and Employment Law | New York University | US United States
Center for Labour and Employment Law | National Taipei University | TW Taiwan
Center for the Study of European Labour Law | University of Catania | IT Italy
Centre for Applied Legal Research | ZW Zimbabwe
Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law | Montesquieu Bordeaux-IV University | FR France
Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law | University of Melbourne | AU Australia
Centre for International and Comparative Labour Law and Social Security | University of Johannesburg | ZA South Africa
Centre for Labor and Worklife Law | Southwest University of Political Science and Law | CN China
Centre for Labour Management Relations | Toronto Metropolitan University | CA Canada | CA Canada
Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace | Queen's University | CA Canada
Centre for the Transformative Regulation of Work (CENTROW) | University of Western Cape | ZA South Africa
Centro de Estudios de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social - CENTRASS | Universidad de Talca | CL Chile
Collective Bargaining and Segmentation of the Labour Market Research Group (BASELAB) | ES Spain
Company and Labour Law Department | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | ES Spain
Consolidate Group of Research in Labour and Social Security Law (greDTiSS) | Pompeu Fabra University | ES Spain
Decent Work Project | North-West University | ZA South Africa
Department of Labour and Social Security Law | Kutafin Moscow State Law University | RU Russia
Department of Labour Law and Social Policy | Tilburg University | NL Netherlands
Department of Labour Law and Social Policy at the University of Warsaw | University of Warsaw | PL Poland
Department of Labour Law and Social Security - DTBSS | University of Sao Paulo - Faculty of Law | BR Brazil | BR Brazil
Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK Slovakia | SK Slovakia
Department of Labour Law of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) | RU Russia
Department of Social Security Law and Social Policy | University of Lodz - Faculty of Law and Administration | PL Poland
ERDS - CERCRID | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | FR France
Europe Labour Research Group (EURLAB) | University of Seville | ES Spain
Europe, Employment and Labour Relations Research Group | University of the Basque Country | ES Spain
European and Latin American Center for the Social Dialogue | University of Castilla La Mancha | ES Spain
European Institute of Industrial Relations | ES Spain
European Working Group on Labour Law
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations | Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín | SK Slovakia
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro’s Labour Law Graduate Program (Programa de pós-gradução em Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | BR Brazil
Giuseppe Pera Foundation | IT Italy
Helsinki Labour Law Research Group | University of Helsinki | FI Finland
Hugo Sinzheimer Institute | University of Amsterdam | NL Netherlands
Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labour and Social Security Law (HSI) in Frankfurt (Germany) | DE Germany
Hungarian Labour Law Research Network (HUNLAB) | HU Hungary
Institute for Labour Law | University of Göttingen | DE Germany
Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Community | Trier University | DE Germany
Institute for Law and the Workplace | IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law | US United States
Institute of Development and Labour Law | University of Cape Town | ZA South Africa
Institute of Labour Law | Catholic University of Leuven | BE Belgium
Institute of Labour Law | Goethe University - Frankfurt Am Main | DE Germany
Institute of Labour Law Vienna | University of Vienna | AT Austria
Institute of Workers' Rights (IWR) | KR South Korea
Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT) | CA Canada
Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labour and the Working Poor | Georgetown University | US United States
Korea Labor Institute | KR South Korea
Labor and Worklife Program | Harvard University | US United States
Labor Law, Economics Changes and New Society | Carlos III University (Madrid) | ES Spain
Laborum 3.0 | University of Valencia | ES Spain
Labour and Social Security Law Team, Research centre for Law, Religion, Business and Society (DRES) | University of Strasbourg | FR France
Labour Law & Social Security Law Institute | Peking University | CN China
Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory | McGill University | CA Canada
Labour Law and Relations Group | The University of Sydney | AU Australia
Labour Law and Social Security Forum | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | IL Israel
Labour Law Centre | International University "MITSO" | BY Belarus
Labour Law Department | Leiden University | NL Netherlands
Labour Law Department | Stockholm University | SE Sweden
Labour Law Group | University of Oslo | NO Norway
Labour Law History Research Group
Labour Law Research Group | BI Norwegian Business School | NO Norway | NO Norway
Labour Law Study Group | University of Tokyo | JP Japan
Labour Law, Workforce and Work-Life Regulation Group | Monash University | AU Australia
Labour Rights Institute | University College London | GB United Kingdom
Labour, Equality and Human Rights Research Group (LEAH) | Monash University | AU Australia
Marco Biagi Foundation | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | IT Italy
Montpellier School of Social Law (EDSM) | University of Montpellier | FR France | FR France
Multidisciplinary Social Security | Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos | MX Mexico
Norma Research Programme | Lund University | SE Sweden
Núcleo de Estudos sobre Direito do Trabalho e da Seguridade Social (NEDTS) | University of Fortaleza | BR Brazil | BR Brazil
Program in Comparative Labor and Employment Law & Policy | University of Illinois | US United States
Project on Work and Employment Regulation | University of California Los Angeles | US United States
Research Group on Labor Law and Social Security | Javeriana University of Bogotá | CO Colombia
Research Group on Labour Law | University of La Laguna Canary Islands | ES Spain
SERI - FGB | IT Italy
Social Law UGhent | Ghent University | BE Belgium
The Labour Law and Employment Relations Research Group | University of Salford - Manchester | GB United Kingdom
The William C. Wefel Center For Employment Law | Saint Louis University | US United States
Work and Employment Regulation Research Group | University of Adelaide | AU Australia
Work and Equalities Institute | University of Manchester | GB United Kingdom