
We are pleased to announce that the 11th ISLSSL International Seminar will take place at Ca' Foscari University Venice from May 21-24, 2025 with the topic “Human rights and Business: bridging responsibility and

On behalf of ADAPT , the coordinator of the *BROADVOICE

Constructing Modern Slavery: Law, Capitalism and Unfree Labour, in late January 2025 by Cambridge University Press.
Judy Fudge Professor

Two positions (PhD and postdoc) are open to join our research team to work on the RethinkingWork (2025-2030) project funded by the European Research Council at the Centre de droit public et social.

Dear friends and readers,

We are excited to announce that abstracts for the 14th ILERA European Congress in Durham can now be submitted.

The current moment is characterised by the occurrence of several transformations, at a vertiginous speed, at countless levels – environmental, technological, political, and social – with an undeniable impact on work and employment.

It is with great pleasure that we share the final volume of the ERC project SHARE - Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Representing self-Employment.

A reminder that the deadline for abstract and special session proposals for this year’s Regulating for Decent Work Conference is 10th February 2025. The Conference will be held at the ILO, Geneva from 2-4 July 2025. See further details below.

Call for abstracts RDW 2025!

This is a reminder about the Call for applications for 2025 ECOLL seminars, whose deadline is on 15 February 2025.
