IX Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium (TIEC) 6 and 7 June 2024


Dates and times: 

June 6, 2024 - 09:00 to June 7, 2024 - 14:00


Sala de Graus
Campus Catalunya
35 Av. Catalunya Tarragona


Please see below the programme and registration links from the organisers of the IX Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium (TIEC) 6 and 7 June 2024 on 'Eco-social Synergies: Legal Challenges at the Intersection of the Environmental and Employment Realms'.

It is possible to attend online as well as in-person and there is no conference fee.

You can register at: https://tiecolloquium.com/registration/

The programme is available at: https://tiecolloquium.com/conference-programme/
Programme IX TIEC

For further information, do contact: tiec@urv.cat.

Registration: Jun 5, 2024
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