LLRN Summer Onine Seminar 3: 'Organizing Matters'


Dates and times: 

July 13, 2020 - 12:30


Lund University
0001 Lund


This was our 3rd seminar of the summer series on Guy Mundlak's newly published book (Edward Elgar/ILO) 'Organizing Matters'. The seminar was recorded and is available for the next two weeks at: https://youtu.be/grwXvF5DVqU.

We of course recommend that you buy a copy, but it is also available at the ILO online at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/d....

This seminar will be held on 13 July - 12.30-14.00 British Summer Time (BST) 7.30 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) / 8.30 Brazil Time (BRT) / 13.30 Central European Summer Time (CEST) / 19.30 Australian Western Standard Time

To participate, just join on the day at the following zoom link: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62856702329

Guy Mundlak will briefly present, followed by four discussants:
Dr. Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick Birkbeck University of London (UK)
Prof. Emmanuel Dockès Paris Nanterre University (France)
Prof. Ruth Dukes University of Glasgow (UK)
Prof. Martin Risak University of Vienna (Austria)
The moderator will be Ass. Prof. Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni Lund University - Aarhus University (Sweden-Denmark)

We hope that you can join us!
With a reminder to look out for our 4th seminar on 21 July on 'Covid-19 impact on labour markets - Experiences from Colombia, Hong Kong and South Africa'.

Find out more