Call for Papers from 'Transfer' - Call for papers: Access of mobile workers to social rights on the pan-European labour market

There is currently a a call for papers for a special issue of Transfer (European Review of Labour and Research) that might be of interest for some of you. The topic is ‘Access of mobile workers to social rights on the pan-European labour market’. The proposal seeks to bring together insights from research on worker posting, precarious migrant work, transnational social protection, and the portability of EU social benefits, which are relevant to the currently unfolding reforms on social security coordination. The special issue will be co-edited by Nathan Lillie (University of Jyväskylä), Zane Rasnača (European Trade Union Institute) and Markku Sippola (University of Jyväskylä). Further details can be found on the Transfer website.
The full call is available at:

Abstract submission: Sep 7, 2023
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