This special issue is composed by the following contributions:
- Editorial by by F. Hendrickx (p 205)
- Guest editorial "Which Securities for Workers in Times of Crisis? An Introduction" by S. Laulom & C.Teissier (p 206-210)
- "Contingent Crises, Permanent Reforms: Rationalising Labour Market Reforms in the European Union" by J. Prassl (p. 211-230)
- "Dismissal Law Under Challenge: New Risks for Workers" by S. Laulom (p. 231-254)
- "Some Observations on Public Employment in Europe" by J.M.M. Boto (p. 255-266)
- "Trap of the Past: Why Economically Dependent Work is not Regulated in the Member States of Eastern Europe" by T. Gyulavari (p. 267-278)
- "Legal Acknowledgement of the Category of Economically Dependent Workers" by F. Rosioru (p. 279-305)
- "Cross-Border Mobility of ‘Bogus’ Self-Employed Workers: A Lack of Legal Framework Coupled with Protection of Economic Rights" by F. Muller (p. 306-321)
- "The Risks of Invoking Fundamental Social Rights" by N. Moizard (p. 322-333)
- "Critical Analysis of ECJ Case Law on Fixed-Term Contracts in the Public Sector" by E. Mazuyer (p. 334-348)
- "The Right to Work, EU Activation Policies and National Unemployment Benefi t Schemes" by N. Gundt (p. 349-365)
- "Young Employees: Securities, Risk Distribution and Fundamental Social Rights" by J.J. Votinius (p. 366-389)
- "Risk: A New Paradigm to Face Market Challenges" by P. Loi (p. 390-409)
- "Which Securities for Workers in Times of Crisis? Challenges and Perspectives" by O. Leclerc (p. 410-416)
- "Free Concluding Words" by C. E. Triomphe (p. 417-419)