ILO Consultancy Opportunity: Research of Violence and Harassment through OSH in El Salvador

ILO Consultancy Opportunity: Research of Violence and Harassment through OSH in El Salvador

Background and objective

ILO Convention No. 190 and its accompanying Recommendation No. 206, call for the adoption of laws, regulations, and policies to identify, prevent and address violence and harassment. Both instruments foresee extending or adapting existing OSH measures to cover violence and harassment and its associated psychosocial risks and highlight the need to develop guidance and tools (e.g. guidelines, codes of practice, risk assessment tools, national standards, collective agreements, counselling programs and awareness raising campaigns). Against this background, the ILO is implementing a research project on OSH mechanisms and the available guidance and to prevent and address violence and harassment in the world of work. This research is to be complemented with a more detailed review of a select number of countries’ legal and policy frameworks with a focus on OSH and showcasing best practices and lessons learnt.

Research framework and questions
As part of this research project, the ILO is looking for a consultant to undertake a case study on El Salvador and thereby to undertake the following tasks:
Compile applicable legal and policy framework (laws, regulations, policies, and/or any relevant instruments in force) related to workplace violence and harassment and occupational safety and health (hereinafter OSH);
Compile available guidance and tools on preventing and addressing violence and harassment, including tools on OSH that address workplace violence and harassment;
Compile information on available data collection systems on work-related violence and harassment in El Salvador and shortly summarize data on prevalence of violence and harassment in El Salvador
Conduct – where appropriate and necessary – interviews with authorities to verify and/or complement the desk research; and
Draft a report in English (15-20 pages) of the main findings of the research and of good practices and contribute to formulating policy-oriented conclusions and recommendations, including on guidance and tools needed. The report will include (detailed questions under each category below will be provided before the start of the contract):
Review and mapping of existing legal and policy provisions (including collective agreements) in El Salvador on preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work.
Analysis of how OSH legal and policy frameworks prevent and address violence and harassment in the world of work.
Review and mapping of guidance and tools on preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work in El Salvador. Analysis of function and role of the guidance material and tools play, esp. in relation to relevant legal provisions.
Analysis of data collection on violence and harassment in the world of work collected in El Salvador.

Total workload:
The total workload is 25 days spread out through the period from November 2022 to January 2023. The External Collaborator is expected to be in regular communication with the ILO to discuss advances, problematic assumptions, bottlenecks and preliminary results and adapt the research accordingly.

Expert with a degree in law, political science or economy with knowledge and experience in the fields of occupational safety and health and/or work-related violence and harassment.

Deadline for Application:
If interested, please send your CV and short proposal by 31 October 2022 to

Application: Oct 31, 2022