ILO: Support Kit for Developing OSH Legislation

Dear fellows,

I would like to share with you a new publication issued by the ILO: Support Kit for Developing OSH Legislation.

The Support Kit aims to provide guidance to ILO constituents in the establishment or reform of OSH laws by systematically articulating and analysing the key principles and components of a sound, prevention-centred framework OSH law that follows a modern regulatory approach. To this end, it identifies the essential elements of national OSH normative frameworks stemming from international labour standards, ILO codes of practice and guidelines and national OSH laws. It captures and discusses to the extent possible various policy and design choices and showcases examples of legislative elements from countries with different legal traditions to enrich and broaden the users’ perspective.

The Support Kit is structured around 12 sections that provide an example of a logical flow of a framework OSH law. Each section is accompanied by an editable checklist in PDF format.

I hope this will be of interest to your research and practice.

Kind regards,

Tzvetomira Radoslavova

Labour Law and Compliance Officer


Tel. +41 227997468

Route des Morillons 4

CH-1211 Geneva 22


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