Issue n. 1/2018 of the four-monthly journal Economia & Lavoro is now available

The table of contents and abstracts of the newly released 1/2018 issue of the four-monthly journal Economia&Lavoro are now available on Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini’s website. Single essays in electronic format and paper copies of the present issue can be purchased online.

The issue opens with a comparative monographic section, edited by Annamaria Simonazzi, on the role of industrial relations and social policies to reduce inequalities in Europe, recognising that inequalities may well emerge from mechanisms in the world of work. The introduction by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead is followed by the contribution by Dominique Anxo, who focuses on the role of flexicurity within the industrial relations system in Sweden. Branko Bembič analyses the developments of the industrial relations system in Slovenia, as well as their impact on inequality. Gerhard Bosch investigates the impact of industrial bargaining on wage inequality in Germany. The contribution by Giuseppe Fiorani and Annamaria Simonazzi describes the evolution of industrial relations and labour market reforms in Italy. Finally, Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente and Fernando Pinto Hernández analyse the evolution of the industrial relations system in Spain during the Great Recession and its aftermath.

The issue goes on with the contribution by Paolo M. Piacentini, who analyses the potential of Kahn’s ‘employment multiplier’ and of the ‘income multiplier’, developed by Keynes drawing on the former. As an exemplifying application, the essay includes an exercise for the differential performance of employment recovery in the USA and in the euro area in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

In the light of the emergence of new work organisation patterns linked to the development of computer technology, the essay by Massimo De Minicis sets out to answer the question of whether they represent truly innovative phenomena, also in the sense that they upset old patterns, or stem from a long and controversial process of change in the nature of work.

Riccardo Leoni deals with the efficiency and effectiveness of firm-level supplementary bargaining, providing a review of the Italian empirical literature.

The issue ends with Daniel Pommier Vincelli, who contributes to the dialogue on the New Public Management, kicked off in the 2/2017 issue: the author frames Pollitt and Bouckaert’s analysis (contained in the fourth edition of their Public Management Reform) within the Italian case by using the historical approach by Sabino Cassese, which outlines the recurring trends of Italian administrative history.

Book Reviews

R. Romano, S. Lucarelli, Squilibrio. Il labirinto della crescita e dello sviluppo capitalistico (by Marco Fama)

P. Ramazzotti (a cura di), Stato sociale, politica economica e democrazia (by Guglielmo Forges Davanzati)

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