Join the new mailing list: Labour law and ecological transition

You are a labour law scholar interested in ecological transition issues? Join the new mailing list: Labour law and ecological transition.

In recent years, an increasing number of labour law researchers are exploring the questions raised by the ecological transition. This research concerns both employment law and collective labour law, as well as social security law. Studies are conducted in national, comparative and international contexts. They follow theoretical, critical and empirical perspectives, but also traditional doctrinal approach. The community is growing very rapidly and it is becoming difficult to maintain an overview of the various ongoing strands of research.

This is why we propose to publish, four times a year, a newsletter in which we will circulate the new publications, events, projects and calls in the research area of labour law and ecological transition.

By subscribing to the mailing list, you will receive the newsletters and also be able to send us information you want to be included in the newsletters.

If you are willing to join the mailing list, please email to

Registration: Jan 22, 2025