LLRN 5 - ticket competition for Masters and PhD students

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the fifth Labour Law Research Network Conference and DLA Piper (the Partner of the Conference) it is with great pleasure that we announce the “Ticket for LLRN5” Competition addressed to MA and PhD students.

The Competition prizes are 5 entrance tickets for the fifth LLRN Conference and, additionally - for the author of the best paper - the opportunity to present the awarded paper during one of the Conference discussion panels.

More information at: https://llrn5poland.uni.lodz.pl/ticket-for-llrn5-competition/

Rules of the Competition “Ticket for LLRN5!”
1. The Competition is organised by DLA Piper and LLRN5 Organising Committee (hereinafter the Organiser, jointly referred to as the Organisers).
2. The Competition is open to MA and PhD students.
3. A Participant in the Competition cannot be an employee of the Organiser nor work for the Organiser on any legal basis other than an employment contract.
4. In order to take part in the Competition the participant should prepare an essay complying with requirements mentioned in points 5-8 and send it via e-mail to: llrn5poland@wpia.uni.lodz.pl no later than 18.00 [6 pm] Central European Summer Time (CEST) on 30th April 2021 together with a scanned signed statement the specimen of which is attached to these Rules .
5. The submission of the essay must be in one email with the following information in the subject line: ‘LLRN5 Competition’.
6. The essay should address one of the following themes:
a. Labour law norms and institutions
b. Labour law and environmental law
c. Labour law and migration policies
d. Labour law and artificial intelligence
e. Transition economies and labour law.
For further information on the essay themes please refer to https://llrn5poland.uni.lodz.pl/call-for-papers/
7. The essay must be in Microsoft Word format and have a .doc or .docx file extension, must be presented 1,5-spaced throughout text with generous margins. The font and size of the text must be: Times New Roman 12, Garamond 12 or Calibri 11. In any case an essay should not exceed 1000 words, including footnotes. Footnotes must be singlespaced, the font and size: Times New Roman 10; Garamond 10 or Calibri 9.8. One participant may submit one essay written on her or his own that has not been entered in other competitions and has not been published (entirely or partly). An essay written by more than one participant will not be accepted.
9. Essays that do not comply with requirements mentioned in points 4-8 will be dismissed.
10. The Jury assessing essays will pay attention to, in particular:
a. creativeness
b. ability to formulate own opinions
c. factual knowledge
d. logical argumentation
e. selection and use of the literature
11. The winner/ winners of the Competition will be announced on 31st May 2021. The list of winners will be published on the websites of the Organiser. Additionally each winner will be informed via e-mail.
12. The Jury’s decision is final and is not subject to appeal.
13. The Competition prize is an entrance ticket for the fifth Labour Law Research Network Conference 2021 co-organised by the University of Warsaw and University of Lodz and, additionally, for the author of the best essay the opportunity to present the awarded essay during one of the Conference discussion panels.
14. In total 5 prizes can be won. The Jury may decide that more than 5 participants will be awarded prizes or none of the participants will be awarded.
15. The winner does not have the right to demand an alternative award nor the monetary equivalent to the award.
16. The participant provides his or her personal data voluntarily and gives consent for processing her or his personal data for purposes connected with the Competition. The participant gives consent by sending a scanned, signed statement the specimen of which is attached to these Rules. The participant may exercise the right to withdraw his or her aforementioned consent by contacting the Organiser via e-mail to llrn5poland@wpia.uni.lodz.pl . The withdrawal of the participant’s consent for processing her or his personal data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the Competition and may result in removing all information and scores that have been recorded. The Administrator of the participant’s personal data are the Organisers and persons authorised by him or her.
17. The Organiser reserves the right to unilaterally change the Competition Rules.
18. The Jury have the exclusive right to interpret bindingly provisions of the Rules and resolve all disputes concerning the application of the Rules.
19. All inquiries concerning the Competition should be addressed to the Organiser via email e-mail to: llrn5poland@wpia.uni.lodz.p

Papers submission: Apr 30, 2021
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