New book - Constructing Modern Slavery: Law, Capitalism and Unfree Labour

Constructing Modern Slavery: Law, Capitalism and Unfree Labour, in late January 2025 by Cambridge University Press.
Judy Fudge Professor

Focusing on unfree labour associated international immigration and global supply chains, the book provides a novel socio-legal genealogy of the concept ‘modern slavery’ through a series of linked case studies of influential actors associated with key legal instruments: the United Nations, the United States, the International Labour Organization, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Walk Free Foundation. Modern slavery laws are a response to global capitalism, which undermines the distinction between free and unfree labour and poses intense challenges to state sovereignty. Instead of being a solution, Constructing Modern Slavery argues that modern slavery laws divert attention from the underlying structures and processes that generate exploitation.

The attached flyer provides a 20% discount on the hard back version of the book, which is also available as an open access e-book on the Cambridge site at: