The project Working and Yet Poor (WorkYP) is focused on the increasing social trend of working people at risk or below the poverty line. The Consortium will devote its research to explore the reasons of such phenomenon and elaborate recommendations to the EU and MSs legislators, to enhance the goals proclaimed in the European Pillar of Social Rights. The WorkYP Project will analyse seven representative Countries (Sweden, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, and Poland), selected on the basis of their geographical area, as well as their different social systems and legal orders. In each such Country, the WorkYP Project has identified four clusters of particularly Vulnerable and Underrepresented Persons (VUP Groups), which disadvantaged conditions impede full enjoyment of EU citizenship. Attenuating divergent trends across Europe will effectively prevent the risk of social dumping and reduce economic shocks. Only tackling vertically the vulnerabilities of VUPs and attenuating inequalities across diverging regimes will grant EU citizens, mostly those who do not circulate, regaining confidence in public governance and substantiating their citizenry’s status.
Duration 36 months, starting 1st February 2020.
The consortium is led by Prof. Luca Ratti at the University of Luxembourg and the partners consist of eight universities and three social rights institutions:
University of Luxembourg (Prof. Luca RATTI)
University of Bologna (Prof. Carlo ZOLI, Andrea Lassandari, Ester VILLA)
Goethe University of Frankfurt (Prof. Bernd WAAS)
KULeuven (Prof. Valerio DE STEFANO)
Tilburg University (Prof. Mijke HOUWERZIJL)
Erasmus University Rotterdam (Prof. Ruben HOUWELING)
University of Lund (Prof. Vincenzo PIETROGIOVANNI)
University of Gdansk (Prof. Monika TOMASZEWSKA)
OSE Observatoire Social Européenne (Brussels)
FGB Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Rome)
EAPN European Anti-Poverty Network (Brussels) (+ 4 Linked Third Parties)
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