
This special issue is composed by the following contributions:

Published Fourth edition of International Labour Law by Jean-Michel Servais.

Scholarship for Graduate or Post-Graduate Studies - Policy Component: On the Move research partnership (Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context)
CLOSING DATE: January 19th 2015

The Economic and Financial Crisis and Collective Labour Law in Europe Edited by Niklas Bruun, Klaus Lörcher, Isabelle Schömann

ADAPt has released the latest issue of E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies (Volume 3. No. 3 September-October 2014).

This monograph explores some of the conceptual questions which underpin the legal disputes which arise in relation to equality and discrimination.

Published second Edition of 'Equality: The Legal Framework' by Bob Hepple.

Effective with Volume 36, the Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal is pleased to announce the availability of a digital subscription. Special $25/year pricing.

Published new book: Employment Law in New Zealand, by Anderson, G and Hughes, J.

Wolter Kluwers publishes "The Right to Strike. A Comparative View" edited by Prof. Bernd Waas.
