Labour Law History Research Group - Online Reading Group 17 April 2024


Dates and times: 

April 17, 2024 - 09:00


Labour Law Research Group
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You may be aware that we have recently established a forum for those interested in labour law history to exchange knowledge and ideas.

As one of the group's initial activities, we will be holding an online reading group to take place on Wednesday 17 April from 9am – 10am British Summer Time.

Diamond Ashiagbor (University of Kent) has kindly agreed to introduce three texts:

• Eric M Tucker, 'On Writing Labour Law History: A Reconnaissance’ (2017) 33:1 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 39-58

• Pamhidzai H Bamu, 'Labour Law as a Luxury in the Global South? A Case Study from Zimbabwe’ in Diamond Ashiagbor (ed) Re-imagining labour law for development: informal work in the global North and South, Hart Publishing, 2019

• Ruth Dukes, 'Constitutionalizing Employment Relations: Sinzheimer, Kahn-Freund and the Role of Labour Law' (2008) 35:3 Journal of Law and Society, 341-363.

We’ll then discuss the texts for up to an hour. It should be informal, and we’d love to have anyone join us who is interested!

Please email Rebecca ( if you would like to come along to the group and she will send the texts and the Zoom details. We will aim for subsequent meetings of the reading group to take place at different times to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Please also get in touch if you would like to suggest any texts for future group meetings!

If you would like to join the Labour Law Research Group mailing list you can subscribe to the list here: We’ll send future updates via the mailing list.

Registration: Apr 17, 2024
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