WORK AND NON-WORK, TODAY | Save the Date ADAPT International Conference 2025

Dear friends and readers,

The concept of work – and what we referred to as ‘non-work’ – is constantly evolving, making it complex to define the boundaries between its many forms – formal, informal, productive, reproductive, voluntary, and free. Reality often transcends rigid theoretical categories, highlighting the importance of analysing the role of institutions and intermediary bodies in regulating and defining these spaces, which are essential for understanding the ongoing transformations.

This will be the focus of the international conference ‘Work and Non-Work, Today’ (XV edition), organised by ADAPT’s International School of Higher Education in Industrial and Labour Relations. The event aims to foster an open dialogue between the academic world and often marginalised sectors, encouraging reflection on work in all its dimensions.

In this context, issues ranging from care and domestic work to voluntary and unpaid work will be discussed, alongside internships and informal sectors such as entertainment, sport, and sex work. At the same time, critical issues related to precarious, temporary, hazardous, and poorly paid work will be analysed. The aim is to offer a vision capable of transcending the rigid divides between what is considered work today and what is not, adopting an international, comparative, and interdisciplinary approach.

We therefore invite you to attend and contribute to the international conference by submitting your research, engaging in dialogue with lecturers, scholars, and experts, and sharing your ideas on the future of work. Some useful information is provided below:

Publication of the Call for Abstracts: end of February 2025
Submission of abstracts: from 3 March to 18 May 2025
Notification of abstract evaluation results: by 13 June 2025
Deadline for confirmation of attendance (Authors): 31 July 2025
Deadline for the submission of full papers for Authors whose contributions have been accepted and who are interested in publication: 31 October 2025
Participation in the Conference is free, but registration is required.

Abstract submission: May 18, 2025
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