The 2015-2, 2nd issue of the Comparative labour and social security law review of the COMPTRASEC, offers a Thematic Chapter entitled « Égalité, Inégalités, Discriminations. Essai de dialogue interdisciplinaire des savoirs juridiques et quantitatifs », devoted to equality, inequalities and discriminations, which was coordinated by Jérôme Porta and Christophe Bergouignan. Indeed, a comparison of the common notion of equality by interdisciplinary (Law, Economics, Sociology, Statistics,...) enables us to question the way Law and Quantitative Social sciences consider the equality, the inequalities and the discriminations. This Thematic Chapter is based on eight articles written by colleagues, mainly lawyers (South Africa, India, Brazil, France) but also demographers, economists, physicians, and statisticians. It therefore gives us pause to reflect on the content attributed to these notions, on the way their reality is established and constructed empirically and therefore, more generally on these forms of knowledge and how they are produced.
Besides, the Comparative Labour Case Law section is dedicated to « Obligations implicites de l'employeur et création prétorienne : des exemples contrastés en droit comparé » (the implied duty of the employer : contrasted examples in comparative law) which exposes how the British case law has enforced a implied duty of mutual trust and confidence (Allison Fiorentino) like the reluctance of the Judges in using the legal tools in order to compell the employer to adopt a loyal behaviour, and sometimes a more human and fondamental rights friendly behaviour (Elena Sychenko). Nevertheless, the jurisprudential evolution shows the growth of those implied duty, as for the implied safety obligations, courtesy obligation or for maintaining good working relationships (Nanga Silué), or the reinforcement but the judges of the employers obligations regarding trade unions rights, health and safety at the wokplace (Juan Pablo Mugnolo and Diego Ledesma Iturbide).
Furthermore, thirty « Actualités Juridiques Internationales » close this second issue.
Best wishes,
Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale
Université de Bordeaux
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac Cedex - France
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