Call for Applications for Post-Doctoral, Doctoral, and Visiting Fellowships - Tel Aviv University

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: A LABOR PERSPECTIVE European Research Council (ERC) Research Project

The Labor Perspective to Human Trafficking (LPHT), a research project funded by a European Research Council Grant (ERC Stg) and directed by Dr. Hila Shamir at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, invites candidates from a variety of disciplines to submit their applications to become a part of the project.

The LPHT, a five-year research project, studies the causes of human trafficking and its regulation, in order to develop a labor approach to human trafficking. The project explores the underlying structures that sustain the market for human trafficking and considers methods and possibilities to restructure them. The project expands the existing anti-trafficking tool kit – made up of mostly criminal law, migration restrictions, and human rights-based mechanisms – to include effective regulatory and market-based responses to severe labor market exploitation.
We call for doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty-level scholars, who are interested in exploring the many facets of a labor perspective to human trafficking, to join us in this endeavor.

Application: Apr 15, 2018
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