New Book:
Collective Bargaining in Labour Law Regimes - A Global Perspective
Editors: Liukkunen, Ulla (Springer 2019)
This book addresses the theme of collective bargaining in different legal
systems and explores legal framework of collective bargaining as well as the
role of different bargaining models in domestic labour law systems in
altogether twenty-one jurisdictions throughout the world.
Recent development of collective bargaining regimes can be viewed as part of
a larger development of labour law models that face increasing challenges
caused by globalization and transition of work and workplaces. The book
places particular emphasis on identifying and examining most important
development trends affecting domestic labour law regimes and collective
bargaining and regulatory responses thereto. The analysis offered extents to
transnational dimension of collective bargaining.
As the chapters analyse the influence of the legal frameworks of collective
bargaining in different countries they provide unique comparative insight
into the topic which is central to understanding the function of labour law.