The Project “STEP UP Protection: Stepping up the European cooperation and communication among Public & Private organizations for the PROTECTION of posted workers’ rights” concerns the analysis of the current national framework about transnational posting, the analysis of the framework related to the transposition of the Directive 2018/957/EU and the level of knowledge/information among companies and workers with regard to situations of cross-border posting. With a particular attention to the mechanical sector, the Consortium will also devote its research to identify the most widespread violations of the EU framework and to promote mechanisms and tools that ensure a correct level of information to workers, employers and national inspective bodies in each country involved in the Project.
The StepUP Project will analyze five representative Countries (Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Spain), selected on the basis of their geographical area, as well as their different social systems and legal orders.
In each Country and exploiting different communication channels, the StepUp Project will improve the dissemination of news and information on the rights and obligations in situation of cross-border posting.
Duration 24 months, starting 1st January 2020.
The Consortium is led by Prof. Enrico Gragnoli of the University of Parma and the Partners consist of five Universities:
University of Parma (IT)
Vilniaus Universitetas (LT)
Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative (RO)
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (PT)
University of Granada (ES)
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