Roundtable: EU minimum wage at its last mile: expectations and perspectives


Dates and times: 

November 30, 2020 - 16:30


0000 Bologna BO


You may be interested in a public roundtable on an EU instrument for minimum wages, organised by the University of Bologna and the Italian Labour law e-Journal, which will take place online on 30 November, 16:30 CET.

The proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages occupies a central place on the political agenda of the European Commission. However, it has been received with mixed feelings among member states and social partners.
The aims of the Directive and the concerns surrounding it will be discussed with Jooste Korte (Director-General of the Commission DG Employment), Luca Visentini (ETUC General Secretary), Rebekah Smith (Deputy Director of BusinessEurope Social Affair Department) and Jeanette Grenfors (Chair of the CEEP Social Affair Board).
Professors Tito Boeri, Thorsten Schulten, Catherine Barnard, Martin Gruber-Risak and Giacomo Di Federico will provide their insights on the socio-economic and legal aspects of the Commission proposal.

Please find more detail on the roundtable in the poster attached. Registration is free and can be accessed here: Instructions on how to join the event will then sent to you a couple of days before the online event.

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