The ILAW Network will soon be launching a new ‘wiki-style’ database focused on the “Future of Labor Law.” This on-line member-accessible database will contain model legislation that addresses a number of priority topics, accompanied by a range of supporting documents and commentary that speak to content, process, and implementation concerns. Other databases, including ones administered by the ILO, already contain labor law legislation currently existing in different countries. However, we are not aware of any database that purports to offer the recommendations as to what exist, much less one that is created, maintained, and updated by the global community of labor and worker rights lawyers, themselves. We are of course mindful that around the world there are different legal systems, cultures and histories, and that any recommendations will need to be adapted to local circumstances, though we believe that the principles will be transferable.
In order to begin populating content for this wiki, the ILAW Network in consultation with its Advisory Board has decided to begin research on the following areas of labor law:
Working time
Fixed term contracts
The ILAW Network is seeking a lead researcher to conduct research on each of these topics. Below are the official ‘terms of reference’ for each of the topic areas. If you are interested please get in touch with Jeff Vogt, and Monika Mehta,