International conference on freedom of expression for workers and artists


Dates and times: 

May 11, 2023 - 09:00 to May 12, 2023 - 18:00


Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School i
Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School i
NO Oslo


The Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo is glad to announce the call for abstracts/papers to the international conference on freedom of expression for workers and artists to
be held in Oslo May 11th – 12th 2023. The conference is organized by the Labour Law Research Group and the IPR-group at BI in partnership with Berkeley Law at the University of California and the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study. The organizing committee welcomes abstract/paper submissions consistent with the goals of the event, which aim to promote an international legal discussion on freedom of expression for workers, academics and artists, and the organizing committee will particularly consider abstracts/papers that deal with the following:
• Justifications of freedom of expression
• Labour market changes and consequences on the freedom of expression
• Freedom of expression as a human right
• Freedom of expression and the contract of employment
• Whistleblowing
• Freedom of expression for specific groups in the labour market (i.e. academics, teachers, civil
servants, union representatives, atypical workers)
• Freedom of expression for artists
• Right to parodies and pastiches
• Appropriation art in the digital era

The abstract must not be longer than 700 words and must be submitted to the organizing committee by January 30 2023 ( The abstract should include the following elements: a
title; the name(s) of the author(s) and the relevant affiliation and position; a clear presentation of the topic and the relevant research questions; an essential bibliographic list. The selected respondents to the call for abstracts/papers will be invited to submit a draft version of their paper by May 1 2023 and to present it at the conference. Please, not that the conference unfortunately does not cover travel and accommodation costs for paper presenters.

The papers presented and the keynote speeches at the conference will be considered for publication in an edited book or in a relevant peer-reviewed journal. Details about these publications will follow in due

Abstract submission: Jan 30, 2023