Papers and Digital Materials

Author(s) Title Published Date addedsort ascending File
Ewan McGaughey Behavioural Economics and Labour Law Working paper May 25, 2014
Maximilian Fuchs, Silvana Sciarra, André Sobczak Towards a Legal Framework for Transnational Company Agreements May 12, 2014
Sean Cooney, Tess Hardy Trade Unions and the Enforcement of Minimum Employment Standards in australia Working paper Apr 8, 2014
Virginia Mantouvalou Labour Rights un the European Convention on Human Rights: An Intellectual Justification for an Integrated Approach to Interpretation Apr 1, 2014
Iain Campbell, Joo-Cheong Tham Labour market deregulation and temporary migrant labour schemes: An analysis of the 457 visa program Australian Journal of Labour Law
December, 2013
Jan 15, 2014
Iacopo Senatori Transnational Company Bargaining and The Discourse of The European Commission: a Critical Overview Working paper Nov 20, 2013
Michele Tiraboschi Managing and Preventing Natural (and Environmental Disasters): The Role of Industrial Relations. Some Reflections on the Italian Case Working paper Nov 15, 2013
Paul Secunda An Analysis of the Treatment of Employee Pension and Wage Claims in Insolvency and Under Guarantee Schemes in OECD Countries: Comparative Law Lessons for Detroit and the United States Forthcoming in
Fordham Urban Law Journal
Nov 8, 2013
Joellen Riley Uneasy or accommodating bedfellows? Common law and statute in employment regulation Working paper Nov 3, 2013
Virginia Mantouvalou Organizing Against Abuse and Exclusion: The Associational Rights of Undocumented Workers Oct 1, 2013
