Allow me to draw your attention to our just published edited volume
“Collective Bargaining for Self-Employed Workers in Europe: Approaches
to Reconcile Competition Law and Labour Rights”. The book is available
and features contributions by Nicola Countouris, Victoria Daskalova,
Valerio De Stefano, Vincent Franquet, Antonio Garcia-Muñoz, Elena
Gramano, Anthony Kerr, Francis Kessler, Barbara Kresal, Femke Laagland,
Ioannis Lianos, Jean-Benoît Maisin, Leszek Mitrus, Jan Rummel, and
Annamaria Westregård.
Especially those teaching European labour law might also take an
interest in my recently published book available at,
which sums EU social law up on 175 pages and includes all relevant CJEU
case law until October 2020.
All the best and stay safe,
Dr.iur. Christina Hiessl, Bakk.phil. LLM
Goethe University of Frankfurt