New co-edited book by Ann Noel and David Oppenheimer - The Global #MeToo Movement,

My colleague Berkeley Law Professor David Oppenheimer and I write to tell you about a book that we have co-edited, The Global #MeToo Movement, which chronicles the global cultural and legal impact of the #MeToo movement, documenting both the social movement and legal tools to protect women. The book provides a contemporary account of the effect of the #MeToo movement around the world. The book was published this year by Full Court Press, an imprint of Fastcase. The book is a project of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law. Professor Oppenheimer is the Center's Director.

The book's 48 authors, from every continent but Antartica, include leading university professors, NGO activists, and government officials. They include a justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, a member of the Irish Senate, and a broad global representation of a new generation of young women, bringing new insights to the fight against discrimination and harassment. Chapter one is by the acclaimed feminist legal scholar Catharine MacKinnon. In addition to reports from multiple countries, the book also discusses how other factors: class, caste, disability, race, gender and sexual orientation intersect with issues of harassment and affect the agency of victims to speak out. Finally, the book discusses effective techniques to fight harassment: real, not symbolic compliance, abolishment of defamation laws that silence victims and non-disclosure agreements (“hush clauses”), better corporate governance, and effective workplace investigations.

We think the book contributes valuable insights in the global conversation and activism to fight sexual harassment. We would appreciate LLRN posting information about the book to your network.

The book is available in softcover for $16 and for free in an eBook format (with a suggested $5 donation to the Berkeley Center), making it accessible to everyone. More information about the book, a preview of what it covers, a video interviewing several of the authors, info about the Berkeley Center, and ordering details are available on the book's website, I have also attached a flyer about the book with similar information.

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