
Goethe University’s Labour Law Chair (Prof.

From a workshop held at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, a collection of peer reviewed papers has now been published in (2020) Vol. 17(1) of the International Organizations Law Review.

The COVID-19 pandemic is deeply affecting the world of work across the globe and has created an unprecedented scenario that raises many questions for labour and employment studies.

Vacancy for a researcher (M/F) on (EU) Occupational Safety and Health Law and Working Conditions at the ETUI

NEWS - A Special Issue: Covid-19 and Labour Law (edited by Beryl ter Haar, Emanuele Menegatti, Iacopo Senatori, and Elena Sychenko ) is now available in the Italian Labour Law e-journal at

The Right to Strike in International Law
Jeffrey Vogt, Janice Bellace, Lance Compa, K D Ewing, John Hendy QC, Klaus Lörcher and Tonia Novitz

Please see here the advertisement for a post in the Labour Law and Reform Unit in ILO Headquarters in Geneva.

A compilation of International Labour Standards related to COVID-19 is now posted on ILO website.

You will find the three language version @:

Kurt Pärli and Jasmin Vögtli at the University of Basel have published a new article on 'Control and Sanction of Employees on the Basis of Codes of Conduct – A Question of Basic Labour (Human) Rights?' - Spring 2020 in the Labour Law Journal 71-84.

Social rights aren't just morally just, they could save us from economic catastrophe.
