
Edited by Ann-Christine Hartzén, Postdoctoral Fellow in Labour Law, Department of Business Law, Lund University, Andrea Iossa, Senior Lecturer in Labour Law, Faculty of Business, Kristianstad University and Eleni Karageorgiou, Ragnar Söderberg Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law, Lund University,

At the University of Bremen the Collaborative Research Center 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” invites applications –under the condition of job release- for the following academic position

Published by Edward Elgar, this unique book offers a comprehensive systematization and overview of the EU´s emerging ‘acquis’ and practice of Collective Labour Law.

Dear fellows,

I would like to share with you a new publication issued by the ILO: Support Kit for Developing OSH Legislation.

Deadline for article proposals: February 1st, 2022


This prize is intended to reward young researchers who have prepared their doctoral thesis and defended it in 2021.

This job has been advertised online by the University of the Western Cape, South Africa (CENTROW)

ETUC has just published the Report SOCIAL CLAUSES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2014 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DIRECTIVES, developed by S. Borelli, N. Castelli, S. Gualandi, G. Recchia and T. Schulten.

This book explores the often neglected, but overwhelmingly common, everyday vulnerability of those who support the smooth functioning of contemporary societies: paid domestic workers.

The International Association of Labour Law Journals (IALLJ) wishes to inform you about its open call for the 2022 Marco Biagi Award.
