
Dear Colleagues,

The issue of platform work is at the heart of the current debates. Maria-Teresa Carinci and myself have co-edited a volume
on Platform Work in Europe . Towards Harmonisation ?

ETUC has just published two Reports that present the outcome of research on subcontracting.

Edited by Caroline Kelly & Joo-Cheong Tham

Anthem Studies in Australian Politics, Economics and Society

The ILO is looking for consultants to conduct a research on OSH qualifications frameworks.

7 October 2021 is the World Day for Decent Work. On this day, I would like to introduce our work, the Labour Rights Index 2020. Decent work in most of the places in the world cannot be achieved with statutory guarantees.

The ILO is currently preparing a global, flagship report on critical workers in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Please note the call for EOIs has been posted on the ILO website.

International consultant to develop Guiding Notes for Bangladesh’s Labour Law Reform to Align Labour Laws with Selected International Labour Standards

At the time when the world celebrates the 10th anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), their uptake in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe remains extremely low.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
