
This book provides a set of proposals for how best to guarantee effective enforcement of labour rights worldwide.

The Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT – is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

In Beyond the Algorithm: Qualitative Insights for Gig Work Regulation, Deepa Das Acevedo and a collection of scholars and experts show why government actors must go beyond mass surveys and data-scrubbing in order to truly understand the realities of gig work.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the fifth Labour Law Research Network Conference and DLA Piper (the Partner of the Conference) it is with great pleasure that we announce the “Ticket for LLRN5” Competition addressed to MA and PhD students.

Promoted by the International Association of Labour Law Journals (IALLJ)

Call for Abstracts/Papers
Symposium on “Migrant farmworkers: resisting and organizing before, during and after Coronavirus”
To be submitted for review to Journal of Agrarian Change
Guest Editors: Tomaso Ferrando, Talia Esnard, Vasanthi Venkatesh and Vladimir Bogoeski

Global Labour Rights Reporter
Volume I, Issue 2 (August 2021)

Call for Papers


Allow me to draw your attention to our just published edited volume
“Collective Bargaining for Self-Employed Workers in Europe: Approaches
to Reconcile Competition Law and Labour Rights”. The book is available

Dear colleagues,

The Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea Journal, of the Postgraduate Program in Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), which will be under the editorial responsibility of Romina Lerussi (CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina) and Francisco Trillo (Castilla la Mancha, Spain), invites the submissi
