
Hart publishes new book edited by Mark Freedland and Jeremias Prassl: 'Viking, Laval and Beyond'. The book focuses on the uneasy relationship between the economic freedoms enshrined in Articles 49 and 56 TFEU and the right of workers to take collective action.

This special issue is composed by the following contributions:

Published Fourth edition of International Labour Law by Jean-Michel Servais.

Scholarship for Graduate or Post-Graduate Studies - Policy Component: On the Move research partnership (Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context)
CLOSING DATE: January 19th 2015

The Economic and Financial Crisis and Collective Labour Law in Europe Edited by Niklas Bruun, Klaus Lörcher, Isabelle Schömann

ADAPt has released the latest issue of E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies (Volume 3. No. 3 September-October 2014).

This monograph explores some of the conceptual questions which underpin the legal disputes which arise in relation to equality and discrimination.

Published second Edition of 'Equality: The Legal Framework' by Bob Hepple.

Effective with Volume 36, the Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal is pleased to announce the availability of a digital subscription. Special $25/year pricing.

Published new book: Employment Law in New Zealand, by Anderson, G and Hughes, J.
