
Social Justice and the World of Work: Possible Global Futures
Essays in Honour of Francis Maupain

edited by Brian Langille and Anne Trebilcock

Jo Carby-Hall, Zbigniew Góral, Aneta Tyc (eds.), Discrimination and Employment Law. International Legal Perspectives, London - New York:
Routledge 2023

Book Description

The ILO is seeking candidates to join the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) and has issued a call for expression of interest which can be found here:

The first issue of the Nordic Journal of Labour Law has been published. Nordic Journal of Labour Law is an open access peer reviewed journal, and the first issue comprises of the following articles:

The HSI Institute for labour and social security law (Frankfurt a. M.) recently published a book on “Artificial Intelligence and Labour Law” by Prof. Bernd Waas.


The book is part of the project “Restatement of Labour Law in Europe”, which aims to carve out the structures of national regulations and to identify similarities and differences in a Europe-wide view.

Call for applications for the 2023 Thesis Award of the Anthony Mainguené Foundation - International Research Chair in Comparative Studies on Occupational Health (CIECST)

Inscribing Solidarity: Debates in Labor Law and Beyond
Edited by Julia López López (Pompeu Fabra University)
published by Cambridge University Press on open access

'Landmark Cases in Labour Law', co-edited by Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Alan Bogg and ACL Davies was published by Bloomsbury Press on 15 December 2022.
