The ETUI is looking for experts with an academic background in law for the research project
"Mapping the rules on posting and short-term migration of third country nationals (TCNs): the legal framework and practice in the EU and EFTA countries".
We have received the following call for papers from Professor Loïc Lerouge, Directeur de recherche au CNRS / Research Director at CNRS, Centre de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale
The book "International Labour Organization and Global Social Governance" edited by President Tarja Halonen and Ulla Liukkunen is now available.
The papers presented on the occasion of the Amicus Curiae Workshop on the EPSU Case (European Social Dialogue) - A Meta-dialogue with the Court of Justice – held in Brussels on September the 16th 2020 - are now assembled in the collective volume EUROPEAN SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN THE COURT OF JUSTICE.
Terms of Reference
Strengthening institutional capacities in Liberia for ratification, domestication and reporting on
International Labour Standards.
A reminder that the association LLC-Labour Law Community has launched the Call for Papers "PANDEMIC, POST-PANDEMIC AND WORK: WHAT LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES?".
My colleague Berkeley Law Professor David Oppenheimer and I write to tell you about a book that we have co-edited, The Global #MeToo Movement, which chronicles the global cultural and legal impact of the #MeToo movement, documenting both the social movement and legal tools to protect women.
The Research Department of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) is looking to hire a maternity cover for the period of October 2020 to March 2021.